Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Starting a Blog

A long time ago, my friend Becky and I were discussing how memory works. She asked how I managed to remember so many details that seemed inconsequential to her. I said that it was easy to remember things in context and that you just needed to find the way that everything connected. She asked how everything was connected, and I replied, "Well, you believe in God, right? So everything is connected."

Now, she seemed to find this a particularly unhelpful, if not inane, reply. And later it occurred to me that her observation about my memory for useless trivia did not imply that this was an ability that she wanted to emulate. Nevertheless, years later now, I often think about this conversation and about the ways that I try to create context in my life to facilitate my learning and teaching. Hopefully, as I use this blog to demo some educational uses of the blogosphere, I will be able to create some context for the colleagues with whom I work and help them remember more than just inconsequential details.